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Wellio Meal Planning Platform

Machine Learning, Product Strategy, Research, UX Design, & Writing

Working with Wellio, an AI-powered meal planning platform acquired by Kraft, offered me the opportunity to combine artificial intelligence with user experience design and content strategy. My role required me to work closely with Wellio’s design, marketing, and engineering teams to address specific challenges within the platform. One of the most pressing issues was the frequent mismatch between user search queries and the recipe images displayed. This disconnect not only led to user frustration but also diminished the overall effectiveness of the platform’s content delivery. Recognizing the impact of this issue on user engagement and satisfaction, I was instrumental in developing an AI model aimed at refining the relevance and quality of search results. By ensuring that users were presented with recipe images that were contextually appropriate and closely aligned with their search intent, I helped create a more cohesive and satisfying user experience.

Wellio Research & Development

The AI I developed utilized a convolutional neural network (CNN), a sophisticated machine learning model inspired by the human visual system. A CNN breaks down images into tiny squares, analyzing each to recognize patterns and assemble an understanding of the object depicted. By training the CNN on a large dataset of food images, it learned to classify different foods in recipe images with high accuracy, addressing the issue of irrelevant images in the recipe search results. This machine learning-driven solution was central to Wellio’s content strategy, as it ensured that users encountered high-quality, relevant images that enhanced their interaction with the platform. The improvements in image relevance directly influenced how content was presented and consumed, creating a more intuitive and visually satisfying user experience. My work, documented as part of my Data Science master's research, covered the entire process — from identifying the business problem to designing, implementing, and refining the CNN model. The success of this AI integration not only boosted user engagement but also informed future content strategy at Wellio, demonstrating the critical role of AI and data-driven insights in product design.

Wellio website Undesirable Recipe Search Engine Images Improve Recipe Search Engine Images Master's of Data Science Research Paper